A woman gave birth a number of months earlier by way of Caesarean Section. [The doctor has advised] there is a danger in her conceiving [so soon] again in the forthcoming months, so is it permissible for her to take some pills to prevent a pregnancy or delay it?
Tag: pregnancy
The pregnancy of Maryam (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhaa)
Regarding Maryam (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhaa), was her pregnancy like normal pregnancies of 9 months or what?
Unable to fast for three years due to pregnancy every year
For three years my wife has been giving birth at the beginning of the month of Ramadhaan and [as such] has not fasted three Ramadhaans. Advice us as to what is the expiation?
Fasting during pregnancy
There is a woman who was nine months pregnant when Ramadhaan arrived, and at the beginning of the month discharge, not blood, would flow from her and she continued to fast whilst the discharge flowed.