Making-up a fast or voluntarily fasting on a Saturday

Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: Is it permissible to fast on a Saturday – [to] make-up [an obligatory fast] or [just] a voluntary fast? Response: Yes, there is nothing wrong with fasting on a Saturday, whether [to] make-up [an obligatory fast] or [just] a voluntary fast. That is because the hadeeth that forbids […]

What you need to know about Laylatul-Qadr

Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: [O] Noble Shaykh, this [questioner] is asking, saying [there] is recurring evidence from the Book and the Sunnah regarding the greatness and virtue of Laylatul-Qadr, [so what is] the most anticipated night that will be Laylatul-Qadr, O Shaykh? Response: Laylatul-Qadr comprises all of Ramadhaan and it is not […]