Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh said: Take for example the Imaam (rahima-hullaah) would [take to account and] punish those who smoked [tobacco] – [this was at the time] when [smoking] first appeared [in the Arabian Peninsula] – about 250 years ago – there were those who smoked; So he would reprimand […]
Tag: wisdom
So-and-so is speaking about you
So those who have [sound] knowledge of the religion of Allaah do not pay any attention to fitnah – even if the people created a drama [over it].
How beautiful silence is in sensitive matters
How beautiful silence is in sensitive matters; for how many [people] have we seen whose words have ruined them…
The dream which reduced the Shaykh to tears
Then this Shaykh asked us: ‘Did you see the Messenger ﷺ?
Teaching precedes disciplining
Many people are overcome with protective jealousy (الغَيْرَة) to start with disciplining before teaching!
The blessing of eemaan and intellect
After [being blessed with] eemaan, the worshipper [of Allaah] has not been blessed with anything better than intellect.
The most blessed of days
The wise person knows that the most blessed of days is a day on which he increases in virtue and knowledge.
Rectify that which is between you and Allaah
Indeed, you are not able to please all of the people, so rectify that which is between you and Allaah, and thereafter do not be concerned about [pleasing] the people.
How do I advise others when I myself err?!
A question which is oft-repeated by many!!
Reflect at the wisdom of Allaah
And look at the wisdom of Allaah and His love for the coming together of the hearts [of the believers].