Important advice for after Ramadhaan

Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said: So the Muslim must always be a servant of Allaah and not a servant of Allaah [just] some of the time. And when Allaah knows that a servant will return to sin after Ramadhaan, then He will not accept his deeds [done] during Ramadhaan. That […]

Take advantage of the last ten of Ramadhaan

We [sincerely] advise ourselves and the Muslims by taking advantage of these remaining days of this noble month with worship and an increase in worship and seeking forgiveness, and an increase in supplication and an increase in charitable deeds, because it is [approaching] the end of the month.

The reality of i’tikaaf

Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: However, [regarding] i’tikaaf, its reality is for the person to remain in the masjid for [the purpose of] worshipping Allaah ‘Azza wa Jall. Not for the purpose of people gathering together with one another, and chatting about that which is of no benefit; this is certainly […]

A moment to ponder on our state in Ramadhaan

Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhaylee said: Last year, we welcomed [the arrival of] Ramadhaan – rejoicing and full of happiness, and we were saying “Welcome! Welcome!”, and then as its days quickly passed we were saying to it “Slowly! Slowly!” Then it passed by, and we [found ourselves] in a strange […]

A third of Ramadhaan has already passed

Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said[1]: On this night, the night of Sunday 11th of the blessed month of Ramadhaan, [of the] year 1420 (December 19th 1999). Tonight is the night of Sunday, [which is] the first day of the week. Tonight is the night of Sunday, [which is] the first of […]

The fasting Muslim should know

Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee said: So the fasting person should know that he is in a great season like no other, and this season the smart one is careful to ensure that he benefits from it by reciting the Book of Allaah (‘Azza wa Jall) , and contemplating it,  and […]