Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen said: So my advice to my brothers – not [specifically] regarding the internet, nor the satellite channels – is to fear Allaah regarding themselves, and to know that they have not been created for this, [instead] they have been created for the worship […]
Tag: death
He died whilst in debt
[Regarding] the one who dies whilst being unable to settle a debt due to his poor circumstances, does his soul remain suspended [due to this debt]?
Devote yourself for the Hereafter
Visit our YouTube channel for more We ask Allaah to awaken our hearts! By Allaah, the human being [my] brothers, how long will he be distracted by [pleasures of] the world? [Take this sincere advice…] If Allaah Ta’aala has provided you with what is [reasonably] sufficient for your worldly affairs, [then] devote yourself for the […]
The state of our existence in this world
So ponder and reflect [O] Abdullaah – what [deeds] have you done for the hereafter?
Your appointed time is approaching
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said: The truth is that a happy life is not [attained] with an abundance of wealth, nor an abundance of sustenance, nor superficially nice appearances – which in reality are not-so-nice. Nor is it with [attaining] the pleasures and desires, but rather, genuine happiness and […]
From the signs of the Last Hour
Is the death of the scholars, and the passing away of the righteous [ones considered] from [amongst] the signs of the end of time and the the [Last] Hour?
This is how the life of this world is
He was born yesterday, [and we welcomed the] blessing of the birth, and all Praise is due to Allaah for safety and protection.
Just as death will reach him
If the son of Aadam were to flee from his rizq (provision) as he flees from death…
“Allaah will soon honour me with something great”
From that which we anticipate good for our brother, Dr. Khaalid ar-Raddaadee, is that a week before he passed away he had a dream…
Otherwise he will regret when death approaches him
A person should make the most of his life [engaged] in good deeds, otherwise he will regret it when death comes to him.