The women performing the taraaweeh prayer at home and the masjid

Reference: ad-Da’wah – 1481, Ramadhaan 1415AH
ad-Durar an-Naadhirah fil-Fataawa al-Mu’aasirah – Page 235

Question: I am a woman, [and] I pray the taraaweeh [prayer] in my home because the scholars say that the prayer of the woman in her home is better. However, during the last ten nights [of Ramadhaan] I become lazy of taraaweeh and because of that I am forced to go to the masjid so I can guarantee [for myself] that I can perform this action [the taraaweeh prayer] in its complete form, so what is your opinion?

Response: No doubt the prayer of the woman in her home is better, whilst it is also permissible for her to go to the masjid for the prayer with the muslims [in congregation] with the condition that she is protected from any fitnah and that she is covered [by hijaab] and is separate from the men. So in both situations there is reward for her from Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala), even though the first situation (praying in her home) is better.

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2004. He currently resides in Birmingham, UK.

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