If backbiting of the layman ranks amongst the major sins, then backbiting of the scholar is much greater.
Category: Words of Wisdom
Be repentful in the morning and evening
Indeed the rights of Allaah are far greater than the servant can fulfill, and indeed the blessings of Allaah are far more than can be counted, however, be repentful in the morning and evening (i.e. throughout the day).
Every innovation is misguidance
Every innovation is misguidance, even if the people see it as something good.
Lying adversely affects the liar
I have never lied since learning that lying adversely affects the liar.
Innovation is more beloved to Iblees
Innovation is more beloved to Iblees than sin, since a sin may be repented from but innovation is not repented from.
The most detestable of things to Allaah
Indeed the most detestable of things to Allaah are the innovations.
So I asked him about the remedy for memorising
I have never seen Wakee’ with a book in his hands, rather, he memorised. So I asked him about the remedy for memorising.
Not considered knowledge
Any knowledge which cannot accompany its possessor to the toilet is not considered knowledge
I have never said to a muhaddith ‘repeat it to me’
I have never said to a muhaddith ‘repeat it to me’ and nor have my ears ever heard anything except that it has settled upon my heart (i.e. I have memorised it).
I have divided the night into three
Twice I travelled to [visit] at-Toosee in Toos, and I asked him when he would be free from compiling these many fataawa?