Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to read religious books and booklets which have some Qur.aanic verses in them?
Tag: period
Stopped praying when she saw some blood
If a woman notices [some] blood, and thereby stops praying, would she then have to make-up the prayers she has missed if the [flow of] blood stops within that day?
A copy of the Qur.aan on a mobile phone
What is the ruling regarding the menstruating woman touching the text of the Qur.aan which is stored on a mobile phone?
Menstruating woman attending lessons in the masjid
There is a masjid in which they have a hall for lessons; is it permissible for a menstruating woman to attend lessons in this hall, whilst seated on a chair?
Post-partum bleeding continued beyond forty days
I am a young married woman and Allaah has blessed me with twin boys. I completed my [legislated] forty days post-birth (post partum) period on the seventh day of Ramadhaan, yet, my post partum bleeding continued beyond this time; However, the colour of my post partum blood had changed to how it was prior to the forty days (post-partum period), so what is the ruling regarding my [obligation to perform the] salaah and fasting?