After the death of my father, there ensued a financial disagreement between me and my brother; this disagreement has [now] continued [between us] for [many] years. So, I sought refuge [in Allaah] from Shaytaan the accursed, and began to telephone him and show kindness to him, but he does not reciprocate. I [also] began to visit him with my children to initiate an air of politeness [between us], but he does not let us in[to his house]. So what should my position [now] be [towards my brother], as I feel pain [at our deteriorating state of affairs] O noble Shaykh, since my father and mother have [both] passed away?
Tag: brotherhood
Forgive your Muslim brother
Forgive your brother; it will not benefit you that Allaah punishes your Muslim brother because of you.
The act of the despicable
Reference: Ibn Hazam – v1, p365 Ibn Hazam said: Do not convey to your friend that which will hurt him and not benefit him to know, [for indeed] this is the act of the despicable.
Compassion in Islaam
Reference: قال الشيخ #ابن_عثيمين :"ينبغي للإنسان أن يراعي قلوب الناس ، فإذا انكسر قلب شخص فليحرص على جبره بما استطاع ؛ لأن في هذا فضلا عظيماً … " شرح بلوغ المرام (٣٣٣/١١) — فتاوى العلماء (@fatawaalolama) April 8, 2021 Sharh Buloogh al-Maraam – v11, p333 Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: It is befitting that a […]
When advised by your Muslim brother
It is incumbent upon the one to whom advice has been given by his [Muslim] brother to bear the advice with good thoughts, and to thank him for his advice.
The worst of brothers
And the worst of brothers is he who abandons his brothers during [their time of] hardship and need.
Assuming other than good of your brother
By Allaah! Allaah has venerated the sanctity of the believer, such that He has prohibited you from assuming other than good of your brother.
A smile and a welcoming face
To meet people with a smile and a welcoming face is indeed from the characteristics of Prophethood, and [something which] is contrary to pride and arrogance, and [instead] a cause for friendship and love.
Knowledge of Allaah and actions for His Sake alone
The pleasure which remains after death, and [that which] benefits in the Hereafter is the pleasure [attained] from knowledge of Allaah and actions for His Sake [alone].
An indicator of the tenderness of a believer’s heart
From the indicators of the tenderness of a believer’s heart is that he feels pain at the mishap of his believing brother when he slips up, so much so that it is as if he himself is the one who has slipped up; and he [certainly] does not maliciously rejoice [at his brother’s lapse].