Boycotting between brothers

After the death of my father, there ensued a financial disagreement between me and my brother; this disagreement has [now] continued [between us] for [many] years. So, I sought refuge [in Allaah] from Shaytaan the accursed, and began to telephone him and show kindness to him, but he does not reciprocate. I [also] began to visit him with my children to initiate an air of politeness [between us], but he does not let us in[to his house]. So what should my position [now] be [towards my brother], as I feel pain [at our deteriorating state of affairs] O noble Shaykh, since my father and mother have [both] passed away?

Compassion in Islaam

Reference: قال الشيخ #ابن_عثيمين :"ينبغي للإنسان أن يراعي قلوب الناس ، فإذا انكسر قلب شخص فليحرص على جبره بما استطاع ؛ لأن في هذا فضلا عظيماً … " شرح بلوغ المرام (٣٣٣/١١) — فتاوى العلماء (@fatawaalolama) April 8, 2021 Sharh Buloogh al-Maraam – v11, p333 Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: It is befitting that a […]