Reference: Majmoo’ al-Fataawa – v7, p493 Ibn Taymiyyah said: “I have not seen anything that nourishes the mind and the soul, and preserves the body, and ensures [genuine] happiness more than perpetually looking at the Book of Allaah.”
Tag: soul
Attaining completeness of the soul
Indeed there is no completeness for the soul other than through invoking prayers and salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ…
Golden advice on benefiting from one’s time
By Allaah, were the hearts sound (pure), they would be saddened at missing out [from goodness to be attained]. How many are the hours which pass by us, and we are prevented from benefitting from them?
They spoke for the honour of Islaam
Because they spoke for the honour of Islaam, and the salvation of the soul, and the pleasure of Allaah.
What is the cleansing of the worshipper?
Reference: 🔹في الحديث عن نبينا ﷺ قال:" إذا أراد الله بعبد خيراً طهَّره قبل موته، قالوا: وما طُهور العبد؟ قال: عمل صالح يُلهمه إياه حتى يقبضه عليه". #صححه_الألبانيفاللهم اختم لنا بخير طهور، وأحسن عمل.#حسن_الخاتمة#الجمعة — سلطان العيد (@sultanal3eed) March 2, 2018 Authenticated by al-Albaanee The Prophet ﷺ said: «If Allaah wants good for His […]
My soul has become proud
My soul has become proud, and I wanted to humble it.
How are you this morning?
How can one be in the morning when his Lord demands he fulfill [his] religious obligations, and…
Does not realise he is dreaming until he wakes up
One who is asleep does not realise he is dreaming until he wakes up, likewise, one who is negligent of the Hereafter does not realise what he has lost until after death reaches him.
He who has knowledge does not become tired in protecting it
It is protected in the heart and soul, and in time itself it is a protector for you, because it protects you from danger, with Allaah’s permission.