Delayed making up fasts from last Ramadhaan

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And on this [topic there is] an issue, and it is whoever has [any fasts] to make-up from Ramadhaan and he delayed making [them] up until the arrival of the following Ramadhaan.

So what is required of him?

If his delay was for a [valid] reason, like [the case of] a woman who was pregnant in Ramadhaan so she did not fast because of the pregnancy.

Then she gave birth and began breastfeeding [the newborn] for the duration after Ramadhaan, until the arrival of the following Ramadhaan.

So here [in this case] she is only required to make-up [the missed fasts], and she is not required [to make an expiation] to feed.

If, however, the delay was not for a valid reason then the majority are of the opinion that he must make-up [the missed fasts] and [make an expiation] to feed a poor and needy person for each [missed] day.

And this was reported from six of the companions of the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ and it is not known there were any who opposed them from the companions.

This is what some of the People of Knowledge have said.

And the Hanafees were of the opinion that he should only make-up [the missed fasts] and he is not required [to make an expiation] to feed.

And this is their principle [when it comes to] making-up.

And some of the Salaf were of the opinion that he is required [to make an expiation] to feed, but not make-up [the missed fasts].

And the preponderant [opinion in this issue] is the opinion of the majority; that he should make-up [the missed fasts] and [make an expiation to] feed a poor and needy person for each [missed] day.

So it is the strongest opinion that exists on this issue.


Translation originally published on 26 February, 2024.

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2004. He currently resides in Birmingham, UK.

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