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Question: I have a question regarding the prayer [whilst seated] on chairs – which has become widespread in the masaajid; it has become widespread in the masaajid. [So] is [the performance of] the prayer [whilst sitting] on a chair better, or [whilst sitting] on the floor – because of the prostration and the rest of the [required] pillars of the prayer?
Response: The basic principle [in this matter] is [the requirement] to sit on the floor; however, whoever is unable to sit on the floor, can sit on a chair.
And if he is able to prostrate on the floor – what I mean is that he sits on the chair during the standing part [of the prayer], then he prostrates on the floor [when required to do so] – this is mandatory for him to do. And if he is unable to prostrate on the floor, then [whilst seated on the chair] he must motion himself [forward a little] to do the prostration; so he motions himself to do the prostration by [dropping] his neck and head forward [a little] – and this will suffice [him] instead of the prostration on the floor.
This is based on His (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala) saying:
{So fear Allaah as much as you are able} – soorah at-Taghaabun, aayah 16.
Translation originally published on 26 January, 2016