In this world, Abu Daawood was created for [the knowledge of] hadeeth, and [as] for the Hereafter, [he was created] for Paradise.
Tag: library
Most authentic book
There is no book more authentic on the face of the earth, than the book of [al-Imaam] Muslim.
He bequeathed his library
Abu Qilaabah (rahima-hullaah) died in ash-Shaam, and he had bequeathed [all] his books to Ayyoob as-Sikhtiyaanee, so they were taken to him.
Persevering during extreme poverty
He persevered in extreme poverty during his upbringing, and [likewise] he persevered upon [the path of] seeking knowledge…
His love of reading
Once, the Shaykh ascended the [library] steps at al-Maktabah az-Zaahiriyyah (Damascus) to get a manuscript.
‘whilst he was still young…’
There he would remain until just before [the time of] Zhuhr, whereby he would descend, extend greetings and depart.
Bequeathed his entire library to the Islaamic University of Madeenah
Because I have fond memories of it (the University) from the days when I was a teacher there.