قال الإمام ابن القيم:
(والذي شاهدناه نحن وغيرنا وعرفناه بالتجارب؛ أنه ماظهرت المعازف وآلات اللهو في قوم وفشت فيهم واشتغلوا بها؛
إلا سلّط الله عليهم العدوّ،
وبلوا بالقحط والجدب وولاة السوء،
والعاقل يتأمل أحوال العالم وينظر، والله المستعان)."مدارج السالكين" (١/٤٩٦)
— د خالد بن قاسم الردادي (@kradd2) January 23, 2019
Madaarij as-Saalikeen – v1, p496
Ibn al-Qayyim said:
That which we have witnessed – as have others [too] – and have come to know by experience is that when music and musical instruments were adopted by the people and they spread [amongst them] and became preoccupied with them, Allaah caused their enemies to overcome them.
[As a result] they were afflicted with drought and famine, and rulers of evil.
And those of sound intellect should ponder at the [current] state of the world and reflect [on this].
And Allaah [alone] is the One from whom assistance is sought.