If a person has harshness and cruelty in his heart [towards others], then what can soften his heart from this harshness and cruelty?
Tag: heart
Supplicating for the Rulers
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: And [regarding the rulers of the Muslims] – from asking Allaah, it is from our right that we ask Allaah for their guidance and success, and that they do what is required [of them]. Unlike some of the people whom we [can only] describe as […]
The feeling of pleasure when abandoning sin
Rather, the believer indeed finds in himself and his heart [a feeling of] pleasure when he abandons [something which is] prohibited…
Compassion in Islaam
Reference: https://twitter.com/fatawaalolama/status/1380198130008911878 قال الشيخ #ابن_عثيمين :"ينبغي للإنسان أن يراعي قلوب الناس ، فإذا انكسر قلب شخص فليحرص على جبره بما استطاع ؛ لأن في هذا فضلا عظيماً … " شرح بلوغ المرام (٣٣٣/١١) — فتاوى العلماء (@fatawaalolama) April 8, 2021 Sharh Buloogh al-Maraam – v11, p333 Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: It is befitting that a […]
Beware of indulging in the pursuit of comfort and luxury
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: So the more the people increase in [comfort and] luxury, the more they open up before the people, [and as a result] the more evils open up before them. Indeed it is [the indulgence in comfort and] luxury that destroys a person, because if a […]
Golden advice on benefiting from one’s time
By Allaah, were the hearts sound (pure), they would be saddened at missing out [from goodness to be attained]. How many are the hours which pass by us, and we are prevented from benefitting from them?
Prohibition of cursing the scholars
So if the Prophet ﷺ forbade cursing the rooster because it awakens [us] for the [morning] prayer…
Whoever protects his time
Whoever protects his time [engaged] in the remembrance of Allaah…
Illumination for the heart
The darkness of the night is illumination for the heart…
Reading the Qur.aan aplenty
From the greatest of causes for the uprightness of the heart and its protection [from harm] is the plentiful reading of the qur.aan.