Adhering to and following one of the four madh.habs

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Question: Is adhering to and following one of the [four] madh.habs (schools of Islaamic jurisprudence) considered to be extreme?

Response: No my brother; the layman and a beginner student of knowledge don’t have any choice but to adhere to and follow, [otherwise] what [do you expect] them to do? Should they just make ijtihaad? [No] he does not have the ability to make ijtihaad, [instead] he should adhere to and follow the people of knowledge. Allaah Jalla wa ‘Alaa says:

{Then ask the people of knowledge if you do not know}, soorah an-Nahl, aayah 43

…[and] why should he ask them? [He should ask them] in order to adhere to and follow what they say; Adhering to and following [them] is [done] out of need and necessity.

[Since] he who does not have the ability to extract legal Sharee’ah-based rulings from their [authentic] evidences, then he is required to adhere to and follow the [recognised] people of knowledge, [as Allaah Jalla wa ‘Alaa says]:

{Then ask the people of knowledge if you do not know}, soorah an-Nahl, aayah 43

Translation originally published on 20 October, 2015

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2004. He currently resides in Birmingham, UK.

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