الدعاء على الأولاد غلط، والذي يجب على المرء إذا فعل أولاده ما لاينبغي أن يدعو لهم بالهداية،كأن يقول:
أصلحك الله ياولدي!
لماذا تفعل كذا وكذا؟هداك الله يا ولدي!
لماذا تفعل كذا وكذا؟ولا يقول:أخذك الله
أو قصم ظهرك، أو
ما أشبه ذلك.فتاوى سؤال على الهاتف 1/ 146
للإمام #ابن_عثيمين— الإمام ابن عثيمين. (@Binothaymeen) October 13, 2020
Fataawa Su.aal ‘alal-Haatif – v1, p146
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen advised:
Supplicating against the children is wrong!
If the children do something which is not befitting for them to have done, then that which is obligatory upon you is to supplicate [to Allaah] for their guidance. So you [should] say something like:
“May Allaah rectify you O my child! Why did you do such-and-such?”
“May Allaah guide you O my child! Why did you do such-and-such?”
And do not say “may Allaah deal with you” or “may Allaah break your back”, or what is similar to that.
Translation originally published on 25 October, 2020