He has been working for one of the banks for a period of ten years, and he [recently] learnt that working for banks is not permissible. He works nights as a [security] guard, and has no connection with the [trading] activities [of the bank], so can he continue working [there] or [should he] leave?
Search Results for: ribaa
Working in Islaamic banks and investment companies
Is working in Islaamic banks or Islaamic investment companies permissible, and is the salary [of the one who does] halaal?
Proposing marriage to a woman whose father works for a bank
I am a practising young Muslim man, al-Hamdu-Lillaah, and I want to marry a [particular] practising young woman. However, there is a problem in her home, and that is, her father works for one of the ribaa-based banks.
Depositing money in a bank for safe keeping
Is it permissible for whoever has a lump sum of money to put it in a bank with the intention for safe keeping, and whenever the zakaah is obligatory upon that sum of money he extracts the required amount and gives the zakaah? Please advise us, and may Allaah reward you with good.
The ruling regarding the salary of bank employees
Is the salary which the employees of banks in general receive, and Arab banks specifically, halaal or haraam, since I have heard that it is haraam because the banks deal with ribaa in some of their transactions?
Profits from selling shares in interest-based company
So, is it permissible for me to take this money as it is [if I sell my share], knowing that the shares in Riyad Bank were bought without our knowledge all this time?
Having shares in companies and banks
What is the ruling about having shares in companies and banks’?
Having shares in the Saudi-American Bank
Advise us, may Allaah increase you in knowledge, about the ruling of having shares in the Saudi-American Bank. Is it ribaa, since it trades in interest and is based upon interest, as we know?
Having shares in the Islaamic Bank
And that which we have understood is that the bank in question does not trade in ribaa and that the money from the sale of the shares will be used in trading activities which are free from any dealings in interest.
Women engaging in trade
What is the ruling regarding a woman who trades (i.e. goes into business), whilst either in travel or residence?