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Question: One of the sisters asks: If my husband does not pray the congregational prayer in the masjid with the [rest of] the Muslims, do I [have the right to] seek divorce and separation from him?
Response: Yes, if he continues upon not praying in congregation [in the masjid], [even] after being advised and encouraged [to do so], then you have the right to seek a divorce from him.
That is because the congregational prayer [in the masjid] is obligatory; the congregational prayer [in the masjid] is obligatory; it was because of this [obligation] that the masaajid were built, and the adhaan was legislated, and the imaams and the those calling the adhaan were appointed!
So the matter of the congregational prayer [in the masjid] is [a] great [one], as [stipulated] in the hadeeth:
Translation originally published on 5 November, 2015