Tawaaf on behalf of the deceased or the living

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Question: [Regarding] the tawaaf [around the Ka’bah] on behalf of the deceased; is it permissible?

Response: There is no basis for it, no.

[This is] like the prayer on behalf of the deceased; the most apparent [ruling for it] is that it is not valid, unless it is a complete ‘umrah, and [or] a complete hajj, then there is no harm [in doing so].

Question: And [what about] the living?

Response: And likewise [is the case for] the living, [although] some of the jurists have mentioned that [you can], however, there is no evidence for it.

And [regarding] the tawaaf, then it is a type of prayer, so tawaaf should not be done [on behalf of anyone] without evidence, and nor should the prayer be done [on behalf of anyone] without evidence.

So tawaaf should not be performed on his behalf, [and] nor should anyone pray on behalf of another.

However, [it is permissible] if he performs a complete ‘umrah on his behalf, or performs a complete hajj on his behalf – and he is deceased, or incapacitated, such as an aging old man or an old woman.


Translation originally published on 25 December, 2023

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2004. He currently resides in Birmingham, UK.

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