قال سهل التستري رحمه الله: الصّلاة على النبي أفضل العبادات، لأن الله تعالى تولاها هو وملائكته ثم أمر بها المؤمنين، وسائر العبادات ليست كذلك.
وقال ابن القيم رحمه الله:
من أراد انشراح الصدر، وغفران الذنب، وتفريج الكرب، وذهاب الهم فليُكثر من الصّلاة على النبي ﷺ .— د. معاذ بن عبدالرحيم خوجة (@muath_khoja) April 13, 2018
Sahl at-Tastaree (rahima-hullaah) said:
Extending prayers and salutations upon the Prophet is the best of [all] acts of worship, because Allaah (Ta’aala) Himself has done so and [so too have] His angels; He then instructed His believers with doing so. [As for] all the rest of the acts of worship, [then they] are not as such.
And Ibn al-Qayyim (rahima-hullaah) said:
Whoever wants [to experience] comfort and delight, and forgiveness for sins, and the lifting of distress, and the removal of worries, then let him increase in extending prayers and salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ.